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INA Engleski književni klub

Detective Luigi



Chapter 1


One day in the Fairy tale Kingdom , Luigi couldn´t find his beloved brother Edward.

He searched everywhere to find him. He searched the highest mountains and the

deepest caves, but not even a clue. At last,he visited princess May.

May said:"I´m very sorry Luigi, but I don´t know where he is".

Luigi sadly walked out of the castle hoping to find Edward. A mysterious citizen walked up to

him. The citizen gave him a message. It was signed by professor Phil.

It says:"Come to my lab,so I can give you my latest invention!The Micro glass

3000.Professor Phil".


Chapter 2


Luigi thanked the citizen and started running to Phil´s lab. It was on the edge of the kingdom

so it took a little longer then Luigi´s usual walks. When he arrived,he knocked at the door.

Phil was very pleased and excited to show him his new invention.

 "Welcome Luigi! Come in." - said Phil.

He immediately showed him the Micro glass 3000. Luigi was very

satisfied and impressed by his creation. He told him that his brother Edward has gone


Phil asked him:- "Do you know where he is?"

- "No."- Luigi said sadly.

-"I maybe have a plan..."-said the professor.

-"Help me!"-someone cried in the distance.


Chapter 3


Luigi finally decided to go to an epic adventure to save Edward. The only place he didn´t

look, was a big mountain chain on the north side of the kingdom. He sprinted to the

mountains and quickly started searching. As he was searching,he found a giant stone

door. Luigi took the Micro glass 3000 to find a way to open the door, since it was locked.

He found a secret button on the ground. He pressed it and the door slowly opened.

He entered it and saw Edward locked up in a cage.Luigi immediately freed Edward

from his cage and they lived happily ever after.


                                               Ruben Ray Zdjelar, 5.c

      Izvannastavna aktivnost iz Engleskog jezika: Engleski književni klub kod učiteljice Sare Dželili

A Song of Sixpence


Who sings a song of sixpence

All to your expence?

It is hard to find the words

When you hear chirping birds.


Birds are sitting on trees

Undrneath them is a hive of angry bees.

The bees are busy making honey

While outside the hives is hot and sunny.


The bees are really busy

Because their work is not easy.

They extract nectars from flowers

And it takes them hours.


Exhausted they return to the hive

Thinking it has been a crazy drive.

All that effort is in vain

Because people cause them pain.


People who take the bees' honey

Make a lot of money.

So the bees sing a song of sixpence

But it is all to people's expence.

 Anteo Dika, 5.c

Stihovi na dijalektu

Moj Brečić.png
Nonov boškarin
24 minuta.png

Akrostihovi povodom Majčinog dana i Međunarodnog dana obitelji

Mama te voli najviše na svijetu

A ti njoj daj malo svoju sreću.

Možda će ti nekada ići na živce,

Ali ti ćeš zauvijek biti njezino djetešce.

                    Viktorija Ligović, 5.c



Obitelj je moja tu,

Brat za igru svu.

I mama za pomoć svaku,

Tata za popravit igračku.

E, stvarno smo obitelj prava,

Ljubav tu nikad ne spava.


                      Roberto Tkalec, 5.b



Mudra žena puna ljubavi,

A opet tako čvrsta.

Mirna luka je koja nas spaja,

A nikako ne razdvaja.


                        Kledi Ramadani,8.b



Moja obitelj mi je jako važna,

Ona je za mene jako snažna,

Jako me voli, i ja nju,

Ako me pitate, sve štima tu.


Obitelj je ta koja

Brinut za me zna.

Imam tri sestre,

Tatu koji dobro kuha.

Eto, to je ta grupa za koju

Ljubav znači sve.


                   Ruben Lustig, 5.b


Obitelj je luka u 
koju se možeš uvijek vratiti.

Obitelj je stvar koju ne 
možeš novcem platiti.

Obitelj će ti uvijek
ljubav, zaštitu i sigurnost dati.

                                                                                           Nika Muzica, 6.a  



Obitelj je važna.

Blago je najveće.

I uvijek je tu za mene!

Tebe volim ja.

Emocije su velike i iskrene.

Ljubav je njeno ime.


                           Erik Velenik, 5.b



Obitelj najbolja je,

Bilo kad te savjetuje,

Ili kad ti dobro nije,

Tu je obitelj da te njeguje.

Eh, kad misliš da si sam,

Ljubav i obitelj pomažu ti da budeš radostan!


                       Petar Brajković, 5.c



Ona je sve na svijetu,

Bez nje bih bio usamljen,

Izaziva u meni neopisivu sreću,

Tugu mi odnosi,

Entuzijazam mi donosi,

Ljubavlju me svaki dan ispunjava

 I bez OBITELJI moj bi život bio prazan.

                                                                                                  Karlo Vukas, 5.c

Obitelj je moje najveće blago

Blago, dragocjeno i vrijedno

Izvor sreće, veselja i tuge

Tješe te i bodre kada treba

Eto, zato im darujem

Ljubav, najveću na svijetu.

                            Emili Jurcan, 5.b

                   Moja obitelj

Moja obitelj nije velika, već malena. Članovi obitelji su sestra Lamija, mama Mineta, tata Muharem, naša ptica tigrica Princ i ja. Sestra Lamija voli jahati konje, crtati, pisati, govoriti, sanjati o konjima. Mama Mineta voli kuhati i peći kolače. Tata Muharem voli graditi kuće, stanove, igrališta i voli pomagati mami u kućnim poslovima. Princ voli jesti i piti kao i sve ptice. Volim svoju obitelj, jer onaj tko ima obitelj najsretniji je na svijetu.

                                                                   Lana Hasanagić, 2.a

Glazba dalekih krajeva, Stefani Ritoša 8.c

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